How to work with Nmap in Kali Linux

Nmap network scanning/vulnerability scanning tool

Nmap is a free and open-source network discovery and also vulnerability scanning tool. It means discovering a particular system for gain vulnerabilities and get a proper idea about considering host or a network without any harm to that system. It was originally written by Gordon Lyon. Version 7.70 is the latest nmap version.

Nmap uses raw IP packets to determine,

  •          what hosts/ports are available on the network
  •          what services those hosts are offering
  •          what operating systems they are running
  •          what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use and etc.

Nmap is suitable for both large and small networks. Because of its rapid discoveries.

Features of nmap

  1.       Flexible: can be work with many obstacles (IP filters, firewalls, routers, etc.)
  2.       Powerful: used to scan huge networks
  3.       Portable: majority of operating systems are supported
  4.   Easy: simple commands work with both traditional command line and graphical(GUI) versions.
  5.   Free and open source: available for free downloads, and also allow to modify and redistribute under the terms of the license.
  6.     Well documented: up-to-date man pages, white papers, tutorials and also a whole book with multiple languages.
  7.     Supported: well supported by a community of developers and users in all-over the world. (interact with Nmap mailing list)
  8.      Acclaimed: has won numerous awards, has been featured in hundreds of magazine articles, famous movies, books.
  9.    Popular: because of platform independent and ability to further developments.

Nmap manual page

Using nmap –h command we can learn about nmap commands that can be perform with our scan.

It prompts a list of commands and some of them are mentioned in here.

Usage of host discovery commands: Reduce a set of IP ranges into active or interesting hosts. Scanning every port of every single IP address is slow and usually unnecessary.

Usage of scan techniques: Nmap provides dozens of scan techniques and user have to choose the appropriate one (or combination) for a given task based on his/her experience.

Usage of port specification: Determine options for specifying which ports are scanned and whether the scan order is randomized or sequential.

Usage of service/version detection: After any of above ports are discovered using one of the other scan methods, version detection examine those ports to determine more about what is actually running

 and their services.

Usage of OS detection: Sends a series of TCP and UDP packets to the target host and performing dozens of tests such as initial window size check, nmap compares the results with its database of more than 2,600 known OS fingerprints and output the OS details of the target host.

Usage of firewall/IDS evasion and spoofing: provides user to pretend as a legitimate user against firewall using spoof source IP address. It can also spoof the source port no. while scanning the target to bypass the rules in the firewall that allow request from few ports (ex: port 53-DNS) and etc.

In here bellow illustrations was done with using windows 2000 as a target host and Kali Linux as a discovering host. First step is ping each other and check the connectivity among them.

Kali Linux IP

Windows 2000 IP

There are six port states recognized by Nmap,

1.   Open - An application is actively accepting TCP connections, UDP data-grams or SCTP associations on this type of ports.

2.   Closed - A closed port is accessible (it receives and responds to Nmap packets), but there is no application listening on it.

3.  Filtered - Nmap cannot determine whether the port is open because packet filtering devices (router, firewalls) prevents its probes from reaching the port.

4.   Unfiltered - The unfiltered state means that a port is accessible, but Nmap is unable to determine whether it is open or closed.

5.     Open | filtered - Nmap places ports in this state when it is unable to determine whether a port is open or filtered. This occurs for scan types in which open ports give no response.

6.     Closed | filtered - This state is used when Nmap is unable to determine whether a port is closed or filtered.

Nmap scan standard

Nmap scans

01)  Nmap -sS

This performs TCP SYN scan. It means attack host send the TCP SYN message to target host and listening. This technique is also known as half-open scanning, because attacker doesn't open a full TCP connection. Just only send a SYN packet, as if attacker is going to open a real connection and then wait for a response. A reply with SYN/ACK indicates the port is listening (open). If reply includes RST (reset), it is indicative of a non-listener. If no response is received after several re transmissions, the port is labled as filtered. The port is also marked filtered if an ICMP unreachable error is received.

02)  Nmap -sU

This performs UDP scan. Attacker sends UDP packet to every targeted port. For most ports the packet is empty. If reply include the ICMP unreachable error (type3, code 3), that means the port is closed. Other ICMP unreachable errors (codes 0, 1, 2, 9, 10 or 13) indicate the port is filtered. If reply include the UDP packet, that port is open. The port is classified as open | filtered, when the no response is received after re transmissions.

03)  Nmap -sO

Using this command, we can launch a IP protocol scan. From that attacker can identify which protocols are supported by target machines. Used empty IP packet headers and exceptions are TCP, UDP, ICMP, SCTP, and IGMP. If the attacker receives any response in any protocol from the target host, it means above protocol is open. In this scenario attacker is waiting for ICMP protocol unreachable messages instead of waiting ICMP port unreachable messages. Also other ICMP unreachable errors cause the protocol to be marked as filtered. Protocol is marked as

open | filtered, when the no response is received by the attacker. 

04)  Nmap -O

This command enables the OS detection on a particular target host and it provides OS details (OS and its version) of the target host. Same as the nmap –sS this command also performs the TCP SYN scan and output open TCP ports. Device type, MAC address of the target address also present in the OS detection report.

Instead of using nmap -O alternatively we can use nmap –A. It also fulfills the main purpose of command nmap –O. 

05)  Nmap-p 31000-32000 localhost

This is a port specification command and example given in the below is used for bandit (war game) level 16. According to that example attacker has known only the range of port numbers and he/she have to find the open ports from that range using nmap-p command.

Additionally, if we want to scan specific ports with their protocols, command is little bit different.

Nmap-p U: 53,111,137, T:21-25,80,139,8080

U – UDP protocol

(53,111,137) – UDP ports
T – TCP protocol
(21-25) – TCP port range of 21 to 25
80,139,8080 – specific TCP ports

06)  Nmap -sL

The list scan is a degenerate form of host discovery that simply lists each host of the network(s) specified, without sending any packets to the target hosts. By giving a network address of a particular network, nmap list scan will report the total number of IP addresses in that network.


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